
Looking for a John Deere LX188, 737 or 757 electric PTO clutch? We have replacements for those and many others. Ox Clutch understands that it can be difficult to find a good quality replacement clutch for an affordable price, which is why we are proud to offer industry-leading clutches, at a low cost.

Our clutches are made from industrial-grade, stainless steel, state-of-the-art materials, providing you with a strong, durable, efficient and safe clutch. We offer free, fast shipping and exceptional customer service.

When you purchase an Ox Clutch, you are joining our Ox family and qualify to participate in our Lifetime Discount Program. Additionally, you are guaranteed a one-year warranty. Your satisfaction is guaranteed!

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact the Ox team and we’ll help you find what you need right away.

$ 162.95 USD $ 410.05 USD
$ 149.95 USD $ 364.00 USD
$ 202.95 USD $ 214.99 USD
$ 202.95 USD $ 214.99 USD
$ 142.85 USD $ 413.45 USD
$ 115.00 USD $ 394.65 USD
$ 230.95 USD $ 338.26 USD
$ 154.95 USD $ 514.50 USD
$ 154.95 USD $ 514.50 USD
$ 155.95 USD $ 234.99 USD
$ 155.95 USD $ 234.99 USD
$ 155.95 USD $ 234.99 USD